
A policy memo

Actions analyzes a public policy problem and makes recommendations about how to solve that problem. It is written with a particular audience in mind- this audience is often a policymaker such as an elected official or director of a government agency, but it can also be written for an organization outside government (like Greenpeace) or for the media and general public. For this assignment, you will write a policy memo on an issue related to the topics discussed in this class: energy policy and physics. You will complete this assignment in two parts, as explained below.

Policy Memo Assignment PART 2

Write a policy memo on the issue that you have chosen in Part I, not to exceed THREE typewritten pages.

In addition to your policy memo, you must turn in a bibliography of your sources with full citations. You should have at least three sources of information from respected sources.

What is a policy memo?

A policy memo analyzes a public policy problem and makes recommendations about how to solve that problem. A well-written policy memo reflects attention to purpose; it is well organized and it has a clear, concise style.

  • Respond to your audience
  • Think carefully about the needs and expectations of your audience. For example, if your audience is an elected official seeking analysis on a highly technical matter, you should generally assume that the official lacks substantial technical expertise.
  • You will need to define technical terms and provide enough background about the situation you are discussing that such a lay audience can grasp your arguments. On the other hand, if you are writing for a technically trained audience, you will waste time and energy providing background information that your readers already know.

How to organize your policy memo

Introduction: One distinguishing characteristic of a policy memo is that a summary of the document’s conclusion(s) and recommendation(s) is placed right at the beginning of the memo. Remember that the purpose of the document is generally to provide your audience advice about a particular decision, project, or policy stance. Thus, you open the memo by summarizing the problem or situation about which you are writing, and by providing a very brief summary of the conclusions/recommendations you have reached during your analysis, sometimes referred to as “Bottom line up front.” The rest of the memo is designed to support the conclusions or recommendations you present.

Background: Keeping in mind that different audiences need different amounts of background information (see above), follow your introduction with a concise summary of any historical or technical information your audience needs in order to understand the arguments you are building.

Supporting arguments or analysis: Once you have set the stage for your audience, show how this information leads logically to the conclusions and recommendations you have provided. Be sure to include an analysis of the likely outcomes of your policy recommendations- both positive and negative. You will be more convincing if you emphasize the positive outcomes of your recommendations, but you will fail to convince an educated audience if you ignore the potential negative outcomes altogether. Better to acknowledge them, and show how they could be mitigated or outweighed by the positive outcomes. You may also include alternative policy options and show how they are inferior to your recommendations.

Policy Memo Guidelines

By writing this policy memo, you will gain experience in relating physics and energy to common problems discussed in newspapers and other popular media. Your goal is to learn to analyze scientific information from a public policy perspective. This assignment will challenge you to think differently about physics and energy.

Essential Elements

Actions : Your memo should include:

  1. a brief statement of the issue/problem;
  2. a summary of current policy and relevant background;
  3. your recommendations;
  4. justification of your recommendations;
  5. and the pros and cons of your recommendation (may be included in justification).

It is a lot to cover in three pages, so aim for brevity in your language- using big words and lots of unnecessary verbiage will only make it harder. Just give us the boiled down information and your ideas in your own words. Simple and well-organized writing that shows a true understanding of your chosen topic will take you far.




Prepare a sketch, using ISA standard symbology for the following flow metering and control scenarios: The goal of this problem is to get your familiar with the different symbology in controls. 

a. orifice meter located on pipe A, independent P/I transducer, 4-20mAmp transmitter, independent field flow controller, independent 4-20 mAmp I/P transducer, pneumatically operated flow control valve located on pipe B

b. venturi meter located on pipe A w/ digital output, independent field flow indicator, plus centralized indicator in DCS

c. integrated mass flow controller w/ digital output located on pipe A plus centralized indicator in DCS

d. orifice meter located on pipe A w/ digital output, fieldbus-compatible flow control valve located on pipe B plus centralized indicated in DCS

Environmental Science


Create a brochure that informs local residents about the hazards at either a National Priorities List (Superfund) site or sanitary landfill in your community. The brochure should include the following: 

  • Front matter with a title and byline
  • Inside and back panels:
    • Information about the site (location, previous use, current use, etc.)
    • Risk Assessment:
      • Site assessments and testing completed to determine contamination levels.
      • The hazardous agents present at the site.
      • The extent of the contamination at the site and where it has spread to the surrounding community, if applicable (water, soil, air, etc.).
      • How the site has negatively impacted the environment and the health of people in the surrounding community (if negative health effects have not been reported, list the potential health effects based on the matrices that have been contaminated and the hazardous agents that have been identified).
    • Risk Management:
      • Identify the clean-up or containment measures that were taken.
      • Discuss how the site is continually monitored to prevent future contamination and protect the health of the surrounding population.
  • Back matter with references and contact information for the local health or environmental department (city/county/state)


Your brochure needs to include at least three (3) references, which may include the assigned reading material for Unit 3. 

Submitting your Assignment

Your brochure must be submitted in a Microsoft® Word® file. Save the brochure with the proper naming convention, using the last name listed in the grade book: lastname_HS415_Unit3.docx

Submit your file to the Unit 3 Assignment 1 Dropbox.

To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Grades tab after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted brochure

Architecture and Design

I need a business plan for a video game designer.

Some things that I need for it to include:

Detail of what u selling or providing

Why services are needed

How will business benefit others

Purpose of the company

Goals of company

How will game be different and unique from others


PROJECT: For this project , you will play the role of a consultant who has been commissioned to develop a record keeping system for a local college. This system will maintain some of the most basic activities of the college that will include support of student records, course records, and specific class offerings as well as student course records, which will track which students are in each offering of a specific class.

You are required to develop an UML with defined class and sequence diagrams for the project. This should include the support of all the identified classes and relationships in your project specification.

Feel free to include additional relationships that may fit your vision of how the project should work. (Note: you are not obligated to implement any relationships in your final application outside of the original specification)

Your project deliverables should include the following:

  • Documentation of your selection of type of relational database that you will use for your project as well as schema of your database. This must include the DML code of the creation of your database tables in the database (mySql, SQL Server) of your choice.
  • A UML Class diagram (minimally including the following classes: students, faculty, student records, course records and course offerings).
  • Your Class diagram should also include all necessary attributes and methods associated with each class depicted.
  • A UML Sequence Diagram, which must address all major objects in your application (students, faculty, student records, course records and course offerings) along with associated messages (communication) between them.

Health & Medical

  • To prepare:
  • Review the information in the course texton quantitative research designs. Focus on the information in Box 9.1, “Guidelines for Critiquing Research Designs in Quantitative Studies” located on page 210 of the course text.
  • Select a topic from the list below and search the Walden Library to find two different quantitative research studies addressing that issue:
    • Caregiver stress
    • Anxiety in children
    • Sleep apnea
    • Depression in college freshmen
    • Rural health care issues
    • Post-traumatic stress syndrome
    • Traumatic brain injury in veterans
    • Health effects of environmental contaminants
    • Bipolar disorder
    • End-of-life ethical issues
    • Alternative medicine
  • For each of the sources that you select, identify the type of quantitative research design used, and evaluate whether it is the most appropriate approach to the research.
  • Consider the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.

My Question

Post the topic you selected, references for the two sources you identified, and the quantitative research design used in each. Critique the appropriateness of the design used and justify your comments with information from the Learning Resources. Discuss the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.


Q) Mean and Standard Deviation of X is given as 25 and 5 respectively.Mean and Standard Deviation of Y is given as 45 and 10.Correlation between X and Y is given as 0.8.What is covariance between X and Y?

Social Science

According to Yegidis (2012, p. 120), a research design is “a plan to attempt to find answers to the researcher’s questions and/or to test any hypotheses that were formulated.” There are several different types of research designs. Each design is intended to respond to a particular type of research question. The type of research design depends on the type of research questions asked. For this Discussion, select one of the articles from the reading list and consider several classifications of group research designs.

Post by Day 3 your response to the following: Describe which groups are compared in the research. Then, classify the research design as follows:

  1. By explaining whether the study is pre-experimental (cross-sectional, one-shot case study, and longitudinal), experimental (control group with pretest and posttest, posttest only, or four-group design), or quasi-experimental (comparing one group to itself at different times or comparing two different groups)
  2. By indicating what the researchers report about limitations of the study
  3. By explaining concerns you have regarding internal validity and the ability of the study to draw conclusions about causality
  4. By explaining any concerns you have about the generalizability of the study (external validity) and what aspect of the research design might limit generalizability

Please use the resources to support your answer.

  • Sessions: Case historiesThe Hernandez Family
  • Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., & Myers, L. L. (2012). Research methods for social workers (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.Chapter 6 (pp. 119–146)
  • Choose One of the Following Articles:Bauman, S. (2006). Using comparison groups in school counseling research: A primer. Professional School Counseling, 9(5), 357–366. 
  • Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Kohl, P. L., Kagotho, J., & Dixon, D. (2011). Parenting practices among depressed mothers in the child welfare system. Social Work Research, 35(4), 215–225. 
  • Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Leung, P., Erich, S., & Kanenberg, H. (2005). A comparison of family functioning in gay/lesbian, heterosexual and special needs adoptions. Children and Youth Services Review, 27(9), 1031–1044. 
  • Moran, J., & Bussey, M. (2007). Results of an alcohol prevention program with urban American Indian youth. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(1), 1–21. 
  • Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Pinderhughes, E. E., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., Pettit, G. S., & Zelli, A. (2000). Discipline responses: Influences of parents’ socioeconomic status, ethnicity, beliefs about parenting, stress, and cognitive-emotional processes. Journal of Family Psychology, 14(3), 380–400. 
  • Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Southerland, D., Mustillo, S., Farmer, E., Stambaugh, L., & Murray, M. (2009). What’s the relationship got to do with it? Understanding the therapeutic relationship in therapeutic foster care. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 26(1), 49–63. 
  • Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Business & Finance

Jane Wu is employed as a senior investment adviser for a large stock-broking house. One of her major responsibilities is to advise clients on the composition of their portfolios. A client has expressed interest in shares of Oran Chemical Ltd. Jane determines that Oran’s ordinary shares are currently trading at $2.50; she also discovers that the company, which has a policy of paying dividends once a year, has just paid a dividend of 30 cents per share. Based on her analysis of the information available to her concerning the company’s operations and markets, Jane forms the opinion that dividends will grow 9 percent per annum for the following 3 years and then grow at a constant compound rate of 5 percent into the foreseeable future. She also feels that a required annual rate of return of 15 percent is commensurate with Oran’s risk.


(a) Calculate the value of the stock today.

(b) Calculate the value of the stock in one year’s time.

(c) Calculate the dividend yield and capital gains yield in the first year, and show how this relates to required rate of return?